Business Support
The Challenge of Leadership
It is widely acknowledged that the role of managing director or owner of a small or medium sized business (typically 5 to 500 employees) can be a very lonely one. However well you know your business, there are times when you wish you had another experienced and independent business person to talk to, just to provide that vital second opinion, or to challenge your thinking.
Large companies usually have a significant advantage over smaller businesses as they are able to afford a professional board of directors with diverse skills and experience, which can manage the business very effectively through this knowledge base. The Managing Director or Owner of a smaller to medium sized business typically has no such luxury. Nor is it often a realistic option, as a professional executive director can easily cost a business $100k per annum in salary alone. Add other benefits such as travel, pension, healthcare, holidays and of course, social security, and you are committing to a $150k per annum cost. That is for each board member you add.
The Answer
Our Business Support Program, supported by the Institute for Independent Business (IIB) provides the answer, leveling the playing field with larger businesses, and giving you a significant advantage over other SMEs… and at a fraction of the cost.
Under the Business Support Program, you will be appointed a lead advisor who will be available during normal business hours on the phone to discuss any issues that you have, in any area of your business. In addition, your advisor will allocate a number of days (typically 2 days per month) for practical "hands-on" time with you and your company supporting you and helping you make things happen. He also has access to the considerable resources of over 3,000 qualified and experienced IIB Accredited Executives, any of which can be called on to help you with any specialist aspects of your business at a competitive rate.
IIB accreditation is only afforded to business professionals who meet the Institute's exacting standards: the Associate must have appropriate professional qualifications, as well as substantial executive experience of running a company at director level. Additionally, all Associates must keep up to date by participating in the Institute’s continuous professional development program. If your business qualifies for the Business Support Program, we will act as the program coordinator and your Lead Advisor. In that role we are there to support and assist you in business in every way possible, and at the same time act as a 'business friend' to you, the Managing Director/Owner.
The Lead Advisor
· Will attend any, or all of your board and management meetings that you wish, to ensure that the company is adequately supported, focused and progressing to plan.
· Will coordinate and project manage the use of consulting time and 'hands-on' practical assistance from any of the institute’s professionals.
· Will find answers to any business queries you may have, accessing the extraordinary business resources of the IIB.
· Will be available on a local 'hot line' number, free of charge, just to talk through whatever is on your mind, or act as a sounding board for new ideas.
· The Business Support Program is not at all like traditional consulting. Its real strength lies in the ability to establish an ongoing hands-on relationship between the Lead Advisor and the client.